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Samagi Sevana
Samagi Sevana is a welcome home addressing the needs of patients who travel from faraway places for treatment to the Apeksha Hospital in Maharagama. For those who are in need of a place to stay until their treatment from the hospital is completed, we offer love, concern, care and hospitality to aid them in the healing process.
© 2022, Archbishop of Colombo. All Rights Reserved.


011 251 7268
Archbishop's House,
Gnanartha Pradeepa Mawatha,
Colombo 08
Samagi Sevana
Samagi Sevana is a welcome home addressing the needs of patients who travel from faraway places for treatment to the Apeksha Hospital in Maharagama. For those who are in need of a place to stay until their treatment from the hospital is completed, we offer love, concern, care and hospitality to aid them in the healing process.
© 2022, Archbishop of Colombo.
All Rights Reserved.
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